1 de marzo de 2007

nuevo firmware para el Nokia N80 y convertirlo en N80IE

Ya podemos convertir en Nokia N80 a N80 Internet Edition. Con el firmware 4.0632.0.38.
Con el Nokia Software Update, conectando el telefono al cable.

Dear Updaters

The Nokia Software Updater is now ready to offer “Internet Edition” software for most standard Nokia N80 users. This software includes Mobile Search, Internet telephony (VoIP), Downloads client and Lifeblog.

Please note that after updating and restoring your own data, the new Internet folder will not be visible because you will have restored the standard N80 screen layout “on top” of the N80IE software. New N80IE applications are not deleted. They are still available and can be found in the My Own folder.

The Nokia N80 Internet Edition software may not be available for all variants. Check to see if an update is available for your own device at

The Internet Edition software version number is 4.0632.0.38.


Darla Mack

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